abusefilterunblockautopromote Unblocks a user from receiving autopromotions due to an abusefilter consequence. abusefilterevalexpression Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression.

abusefilterchecksyntax Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter. hgg save, for hgg mod.Abusefiltercheckmatch Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, an edit, or a logged AbuseFilter event. They are currently not interchangeable, and will require a specific save for each one. **Moderator Application Form: ** You are welcome to apply, but remember that you may not be always accepted. **SERVER LINKS:** **Ban/Punishment Appeal Form: ** If you think you've been unfairly punished, fill this form out and we'll get to you as soon as we can. The apk is an AIR app, and the method used to display these images does not work in AIR. Most Android phones use arm CPU's, you should google your phone's model to be sure. **What's the difference between the x86 and the arm apk?** They're built for different types of CPU. If Android asks if you want to stop the process or wait, choose to wait.

**Does the apk work? I just get a black screen.** The game can take several minutes to load. **Mobile/Android Questions:** **(!) There is not currently, and likely won't be in the future, an IOS version of any mod.** **How do I play on Android?** You can play the game either using the APK files linked below, or by downloading a swf player app. It may take some time for the mod developers to review your content, because they have lives of their own. Post as a Google Doc in the respective qc_and_writers channel for approval. Ensure content is allowed per your preferred mod rules. Link to the OLD image pack: Link to the NEW image pack: **How do I submit my content/ideas?** 1. **How do I use the image pack?** To use the image pack, unzip and place the img folder in the same folder as the CoC. **Can I swap between mods with the same save?** Not entirely, the mods may have the same content some of the time, they are not compatible with each other. Now you have to use the Flash Player Projector. **Why can't I get the mod to work on my browser?** Most browsers do not support Flash Player any more. **Where to i get the Flash Player Projector?** The Flash Player Projector located at this link: (!)The links for this are down below the STOP portion of the page. Use the flash player projector to run the. swf file for the mod you want to play, place it in the folder you want to be your game directory. CoCWeb: **How do I install the mod?** Download the. Coc Image Pack FAQ: **LATEST RELEASES:** Revamp Mod: APK Version: HGG Mod and APK Version: Endless Journey: EJ builds can be found in #ej_builds.